H5P PHP library --------------- Downloaded last release from: https://github.com/h5p/h5p-php-library/releases Import procedure: - Copy all the files from the folder repository in this directory. Removed: * composer.json * .gitignore Added: * readme_moodle.txt Downloaded version: 1.24.2 release Changes: 1. In order to allow the dependency path to be overridden by child H5PCore classes, a couple of minor changes have been added to the h5p.classes.php file: - Into the getDependenciesFiles method, the line 2435: $dependency['path'] = 'libraries/' . H5PCore::libraryToString($dependency, TRUE); has been changed to: $dependency['path'] = $this->getDependencyPath($dependency); - The method getDependencyPath has been added (line 2455). It might be rewritten by child classes. A PR has been sent to the H5P library with these changes: https://github.com/h5p/h5p-php-library/compare/master...andrewnicols:libraryPathSubclass Hopefully, when upgrading, these patch won't be needed because it will be included in the H5P library by default. 2. Replace the $_SESSION references to $SESSION. That implies that the information is saved to backends, so only the Moodle one should be used by core (core should be free from $_SESSION and always use $SESSION). h5p.classes.php file: - Into hashToken method: Declare the global $SESSION. Change all the $_SESSION by $SESSION. A script for testing this part can be found in MDL-68068 3. Upgrade and patch JQuery library. Once https://github.com/h5p/h5p-php-library/issues/83 gets integrated in H5P PHP Library (upgrading the JQuery version), this change won't be needed. 3.1. Prepare the patched JQuery 1.12.4 library following these steps: a) Download the uncompressed JQuery Core 1.12.4 from https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.js b) Add the patch in https://snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-JS-JQUERY-174006 to the downloaded file. You'll need to replace this code (line 212): // Prevent never-ending loop if ( target === copy ) { continue; } to: // Prevent Object.prototype pollution // Prevent never-ending loop if ( name === "__proto__" || target === copy ) { continue; } c) Minify the patched jquery-1-12.4.js. 3.2. Edit h5p/h5plib/v124/joubel/core/js/jquery.js and replace the JQuery piece of code (at the beginning of the file, above the comment "// Snap this specific version of jQuery into H5P. jQuery.noConflict will") with the previous patched and minified JQuery version. 3.3. Remove the following comment in h5p/h5plib/v124/joubel/core/js/jquery.js: /** * jQuery v1.9.1 * * @member */